Year Planner

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The total weight is approx. 4,2 kg.

The dispatch will take place Wednesday, 8. May, iIf ordered by today before 12 noon.

Our quote for you:

Net price116,17 EUR
plus VAT (19%)22,07 EUR
Gross price138,24 EUR

incl. shipping

For only an additional 8,85 EUR you will receive 100 instead of 50 copies.

Price is calculated

Quote is valid if the order is finalised by: 2024-05-11
Print run distribution to individual addresses is not yet complete

Hurrah for Clarity: Print Year Planners and Never Miss Anything Again.

The year planner is your right-hand man when it comes to keeping track of the whole year.

The other day in the office corridor. Two colleagues were chatting. "Did you wish the boss happy birthday?" – "Whaaaaaaat? It was his birthday? Oh, my goodness, I totally forgot. What now?" - "Well, I guess you'll be hearing about it pretty soon."

Even if the consequences, in reality, are probably not very serious - you don't want to step in it if you do not have to. For example, if you don't want to forget your boss's birthday, all you have to do is put it in your year planner. The year planner - also known as year calendar or wall planner - is probably the simplest and most effective format when it comes to briefly and concisely presenting what is coming up. Be it birthdays, short-, medium- and long-term appointments, private or business events - at a glance the year planner lists everything important and interesting in the year, letting you know what you can look forward to and what needs to be done.

365 Days - One Year Planner - Many Possibilities.

Enough of an introduction. Here are some technical notes to help you find the best annual calendar for you. First of all, there is the question of quantity. Are the calendars to be distributed among colleagues so that each office has an annual calendar, or are they to be sent to customers as a promotional gift to start the new year? No matter if you need a short or long print run, your online print shop caters to all order sizes: our print runs range from 50 to 20,000 copies.

You also have a choice of format and can have your wall planners printed in A1 or A2. If you have a lot of space on the wall (or bad eyesight), you could go for the B1 format; and if you want to stand out from the crowd, you can also select the free format to set the dimensions yourself.

In addition to the question of "big or bigger", it is also important to think about "thicker or thinner". And no, we're not talking about your figure, although that will, of course, become a hot topic again at the end of the year. We're talking about choice of paper weight.

Starting at 135g, we go on to 170g, 250g, and at 300g we have reached the thick end of the spectrum. Conclusion: Whether a light 135g, which can practically be rolled up if the year planner goes through a move, or cardboard-feeling 300g, which will survive even if the office hulk takes his pen to it - we have the right paper for every purpose. By the way, we print on matt or gloss coated art paper - this ensures that the design placed above or behind the calendar appears in its best light.

Finally, a brief sidenote: The classic year planner is fixed securely to the wall and therefore gets by with one printed side. For anyone looking to embellish their glass house with a wall planner, we offer the option of double-sided printing. Our suggestion: use the back side for keeping track of coffee and plant care. Or simply print a picture of a dream beach, forest glade and mountain scenery on it - the sights office workers long for.

Print Year Planners with Tons of Product Options.

So let us turn to a few "special effects".

Special effect number one: No matter which format you finally opt for - the common year planner is characterised by its size. They can be a bit bulky if you intend to transport them from one place to another. A little trick can help: You have the option of having the calendar folded to an A4 format for dispatch. The calendar is folded into a z-fold with a cross fold, i.e. the open format is first folded vertically into a z-fold and then horizontally again.

Attention: This is only possible with formats A1 and A2. This option is also only available for 135g paper weight. In the case of thicker papers, there is a greater risk of breaks along the fold, so we only send them flat.

Special effect number two: dispersion coating as a finish. Dispersion coating is a very fine thing, as it ensures that what belongs on paper remains on paper: the ink. It protects the surface from scratches, abrasion and wear, especially, though not exclusively, in the case of layouts with a high ink coverage. And that's a blessing, because after all, the wall planner should last for 365 days.

Special effect number three: Is more a tip than a special effect. Here we are repeating ourselves, but it is better to say important things several times than not to say them at all: Year planners are quite bulky due to their size. This has implications for shipping options. Print runs up to and including 200 and the formats A1, A2 and the free format are delivered as a package. Everything larger and in greater quantities will be shipped by freight forwarding. Why are we pointing this out to you? Deliveries via freight forwarders sometimes entail a bit of extra planning. So if you are aware in advance you can take this into account.

By the way: our numerous additional shipping options are also available to you for freight forwarding; So you can still have your year planners sent to up to eight delivery addresses, have three different delivery note options and the choice between standard and express delivery.

The Only Thing Left ... The Print Data for Your Year Planner.

The same goes for year planners as for all calendars: Please upload the print file for your order correctly so that we can produce exactly what you have planned. Our fact sheet provides assistance, and can be found on the calculation page to the right of the product configuration and directly below the product image. It contains general specifications for the file format, colour space and resolution as well as special considerations for the year planner. If you need to carry out more extensive checks, it is best to opt for the extended fact check, in which you will receive detailed feedback on the print file that you give us. And if there is anything else that needs clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. The next member of our customer service team is guaranteed to be available for you.